
Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Harry Gets Paralysed

When Mum woke me up one morning I looked out the window. “Where is Harry?” I asked. So, Skyla went out to check on him. The next thing I heard was my sister sadly screaming!

Mum, dad, and I ran down to Skyla. Mum told Skyla to go and get a towel once, she gave her  the towel then brought him inside. Skyla went and got a wheaty bag, warmed it up and put it on Harry. Later on Mum and Dad gave Harry an injection. Then Mum googled “floppy bunny” and realised he had something called the Floppy Bunny Syndrome. Mum said that he would have to live in a cat cage for a while. Once me and Skyla had the cat cage we put Harry in it.

A couple of days later he was better and we could put him outside with my bunny, Midget. Harry is still bouncing around like a normal bunny.

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