
Friday, 22 March 2019

Making Graphs

WALT Making  graphs using google forms and sheets.     
               I noticed that the pig is the most popular animal in my class.
               Another thing I noticed is the Dog around the middle favourite  animal in the class.
               The cat and bunny have the same number.


  1. Hi my name is Serena i'm from your tuhi mai tuhi atu buddy class. I love your post.:]

  2. Hi Chelsea, I’m Leah Maree from Taipa Area School. Good job with your graph, it looks very pretty. We did this same thing in our class and I would love it if you would check it out. Also where did you gather this information from?

    1. Hello my name is Chelsea,Thank you for your helpful comment I really enjoyed finding the colours, I would absolutely love to look at your graph.once again Thank you.


Kia Ora. Thank you for visiting my blog, I would love a comment.